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Annual Report Archives - Charts - (Last updated : 30 April 2024)

Company Overview
NPC RESOURCES BERHAD is principally an investment holding company while its subsidiaries are involved in investment holding, provision of management services, operation of oil palm plantations and palm oil mills, trading of fresh fruit bunches ("FFB"), provision of transportation services, property letting and operation of hotel. The Company was listed on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on 7 May 2002.
As of 31 December 2023, Sabah operations currently operate approximately 10,776 hectares of plantation land and one palm oil processing mill which has a production capacity of 75 tonnes of FFB per hour, of which 6,767 hectares are located in the Sandakan region and 4,009 hectares in the Banggi Island of Sabah. The palm oil processing mill owned by the Group is located at Kilometre 70, Sandakan-Telupid-Kota Kinabalu Highway in the district of Labuk-Sugut (“Berkat mill”).
In Indonesia, the Group has a total plantation land area of 45,064 hectares in Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, 42,656 hectares of which have been issued with certificates of Hak Guna Usaha by the Indonesian authority (“HGU certificates”). For the financial year 2023, the Group’s total planted hectarage in Indonesia was 20,579 hectares, of which 3,599 hectares were allotted to Plasma Schemes. The Group also operates one palm oil processing mill which has a production capacity of 60 tonnes of FFB per hour and is located at Desa Senambah, Kecamatan Muara Bengkal, Kebupaten Kutai Timur, Kaltim (“Nala mill”).
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